"Where has the reverence, the wonder, and the awe for the natural world gone?

Have we built too many walls over, through and around ourselves so that we can no longer see or feel the Mystery that creates all things?

The leaves have not suddenly changed their colors at this moment, nor has the sky been transformed.

All that beauty was already there.

What changed? I did.

This splendor was there, but I did not notice it.

I became a beholder and I see what is there to be seen."

U.P. Wild Church is:

a faith community that fosters deeper connections with God within our natural world.


Wild Church is Collaborative Voice: 

One that is rising up from an diverse choir of seekers who desire a faith life free of man-made divisions.  By reconnecting ourselves to the soil, the oak trees, the caterpillars...

we encounter moments of reverence within the natural world. 

U.P. Wild Church has 7 branches across the Upper Peninsula connected by a cathedral of trees stretching across three of the Great Lakes.  We are 10 million acres of holy ground within a unique bioregion and watershed

unlike any other on the planet.

That remains a huge part of our 'yooper' identity.

Wild Church Values:

Deep within the Christian tradition there hides a wealth of wisdom on how to cultivate this relationship through opening the Book of Nature. It is a part of our tradition yet it is rarely spoken about within the walls of traditional church services.  We are a spiritual home for the misfits who can finally feel connected & for church-goers who can supplement their faith journey.  We are united in our love our caring for creation and hope to combat isolation by experiencing the abundance of life all around us.

In gathering together, we agree to respect and learn from each other.  Our intention is to provide space in which each person is able to express how they experience Creator. We listen to each others' stories, backgrounds, and language; knowing they will be different, rather than judging- we listen & resonate in our own ways.  We meet people where they are at with no agenda. We especially strive to listen and respond to the spiritual needs of those outside of traditional church contexts.

Wild Church is For:


You are welcome whether you are Christian, questioning your faith, in recovery from wounds inflicted by religious dogma, simultaneously receiving nourishment from other faith traditions, or simply on your journey. We hope to resonate with each other no matter our background, skin color, ethnicity, economic status, gender orientation, or cat/dog preference.  Through the sharing of our own experiences while outdoors in nature we see we all have much in common.

Becoming a Beholder:

We all have a story to tell. 

How the bird songs in our garden bring us deep joy. How we go out on the lake while the sun sets because of the busyness of our lives.  You are invited into these conversations.  We invite you into a Wander & Ponder to awaken your sense of wonder & awe.  We invite those who carry around wounds to sit in a healing circle.  We invite you to participate in wild school, social coffee + convo, mindful mending in the park, +.  To come on a wilderness walk & explore new trails in Marquette County or join us at our monthly Wild Church Service (includes prayers, sharing abundance, and intentional time in nature).

Like bees pollinating the flowers...

growing our community is all word of mouth. 

In find nourishment here for ourselves, we invite those that we know to also be fed, excited or inspired!  We are not led by just one 'pastor' or person just as our eco-systemis not led by one organism.   You are invited to actively participate in creating content, reading a poem or reflection, guiding us on a nature walk.  The importance of community is to be reminded that we don't need to have it all together or know all the answers.  We're all here on this earth to learn and to leave the perfection to God.

How We Are Supported:

We are a non-profit 501(c)3 collaboration

with funding support from the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan

and the ELCA Northern Great Lakes Synod.

We have members who give monthly & those who give what they can. 

We rely on grants and generous donors.

If you feel like we do, please support our future.

Have Questions?

What is the Nature Prayer Service?
What is a Wilderness Walk?
Do you do Virtual Nature Walks?
I'm a busy parent- do you have resources for home use?
What are community meet-ups?
How do we awaken wonder?
Where in the UP are you located? (branches)
Church hurt me. I won't go back. What is a story group?


2019 - The seeds were planted through a conversation by 2 moms re: the need for a innovative Spirit-driven ministry geared towards those who grew up in the church but no longer attend Sunday services. What grew forth was the focus on it being outdoors and outside the walls of traditional church buildings.